Monthly Archives: June 2020

Jim vs. Kettlebell Floor Press

Got some strength training in.

Kettlebell floor press (right hand/left hand)
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7

Jim vs. Pull-ups

Got a little off schedule.

Pull-ups, 20 x 5, resting 20 minutes between each set

Jim vs. Kettlebell Walks

Seemed like a thing to do.

Five rounds, 20 minutes between each round, of:
Double kettlebell overhead walk x 100 ft
Double kettlebell farmers walk x 100 ft
Double kettlebell rack walk x 100 ft
Double kettlebell farmers walk x 100 ft

Jim vs. Running

I haven’t been running outdoors in the better part of a year, now, and that’s terrible. I went for a half-mile run this morning, and it left me embarrassingly winded. Didn’t see many people, though, so this may be a habit I can get back into.

Jim vs. Shoulder & Suitcase Deadlifts

I like this variation

Clean a sandbag to one shoulder, do 5 KB suitcase deadlifts with the opposite hand
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5

Jim vs. A Light Workout

Wrapping up the light week.

Jim vs. A Light Workout

Same old.

Jim vs. A Light Workout

Time for another light week.

Jim vs. Kettlebell Swings

I feel like I’ll be doing this kind of thing weekly for a while.

Kettlebell swings (35lbs), 20 x 10, resting 20 minutes between each set

Jim vs. Push-Ups, KB Swings

Time for this one.

10, 9, 8… 2, 1 of:
kettlebell swings, 35lbs

Finished in 2:44, faster than last month.