Monthly Archives: October 2015

Jim vs. Back Squats

Barbell day, barbell day. They were handing out candy at the Teagle issue room along with workout gear, which I found a bit odd.

Back squats
170 x 5
170 x 5
170 x 5
170 x 5
170 x 5

This felt pretty tough. I’m hoping that was just tacking this a few days after Karen, but I guess we’ll see.

I’m also wondering when and if I should start adding 5-10 minutes of running back in. I think that was a good idea last winter.

Jim vs. Power Cleans

Starting up the second “round” of this workout program, weeks overdue.

Power cleans
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5

Again, doing sets of five reps on Olympic lifts feels odd, but not in a bad way. I definitely found my groove by set #3.

Jim vs. Karen

Haven’t done this one in over a year.

For time:
Sandbag thrusters (25lbs) x 100

Finished in 3:26, shaving 4 seconds off of my previous PR. Decent way to start the week.

Jim vs. Death By Pull-ups

Haven’t done this one in over two years.

Death by pull-ups
With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up the first minute, two the second minute, three the third minute… as long as you are able. Use as many sets as needed per minute.

I got through fifteen full rounds, and seven reps into the 16th. That’s a PR by almost two full rounds, or 26 more reps. (My total rep count being 127.)


Jim vs. Bent-over Rows, Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Several weeks late, I’ve finished my first full “round” of this Max Effort Black Box thing.

Bent-over rows
135 x 1
135 x 1
135 x 1

Dumbbell shoulder press
42.5s x 1
42.5s x 1
42.5s x 1

Debating two thing right now:

  1. Do I take my light week now, or after six more weeks? If I hadn’t missed so much due to sickness and vacation, it’d be a no brainer… but I did miss that much.
  2. Do I add an extra set to my rows/shoulder day? I feel like I could, and maybe that I should.

Jim vs. Turkish Get-ups

Not a morning for wanting to do a metcon. Pulled this one out of my summer KB/BW hybrid workouts.

Turkish get-ups, 2/side, as many reps as possible in 5 minutes

Got through 16 reps, which is less than my best but still feels respectable. It’s in keeping with what I was getting this summer, anyway.

Jim vs. Deadlifts

Week two of 5×1 begins with deadlifts.

285 x 1
285 x 1
285 x 1
285 x 1
285 x 1

Not much to say, really.

Jim vs. Yoga

That title seems so off, especially with the classes we’re taking now. They’re so very non-antagonistic.

Jim vs. Box Jumps, Ring Push-ups, Ring Rows

Almost didn’t work out this weekend. Almost.

10, 9, 8… 2, 1 of:
box jumps
ring push-ups
ring rows

Finished in 6:54.

Jim vs. Back Squats

And this Max Effort Black Box thing continues.

Back squats
190 x 1
190 x 1
190 x 1
190 x 1
190 x 1

Nothing much to say about it. It went well, and left me wondering how this x1 weeks will feel in a couple months.