Monthly Archives: February 2020

Jim vs. Deadlifts

Feeling well enough today to get back to the 5-3-1.

190 x 5
220 x 5
245 x 6

Really glad I got that sixth rep in. Finished up with ten minutes on the elliptical.

Jim vs. An Unexpected Light Workout

Got laid up but a cold for the better part of a week. Trying to get things back on track.

Jim vs. A Light Workout

Wrapping up my light week mid-week.

Jim vs. Another Light Workout

Did a light workout on vacation today. Nowhere to do pull-ups, but I did everything else.

Jim vs. A Light Workout

Starting out my slightly off-center light week.

Jim vs. Bent-Over Rows, DB Shoulder Press

Technically, this should be a light week, but my schedule means that the only days this fortnight I can get to Teagle are today and a week from this Friday. So my light week will just have to fit between them.

Bent-over rows
100 x 5
115 x 5
130 x 7

Dumbbell shoulder press
40s x 5
45s x 5
50s x 6

Considering I’d tweaked my shoulder a bit shoveling, I was worried about this… but I was more worried about doing deadlifts so I decided to save them for next week. This ended up going really well, especially for a slightly premature start to my next 5-3-1 run.

Finished with ten minutes on the elliptical.

Jim vs. Snow

This happened yesterday, but there was a lot of it.

Jim vs. Push-ups, KB Swings

Snowed in, gonna have to dig ourselves out at some point, but still.

10, 9, 8… 2, 1 of:
kettlebell swings, 35lbs

Finished in 2:56, which is fast enough that I wonder if I miscounted something.

Jim vs. Deloading Back Squats, Bench Press, DB Bench Rows

I may like this single deloading week thing.

Back squats
110 x 5
135 x 5
160 x 5

Bench press
80 x 5
100 x 5
120 x 5

DB bench rows
30 x 5
40 x 5
50 x 5

Time was short, so that was it. That was also it for my first full 5-3-1 since my health issue got resolved, and I’m really happy with how it went.

Jim vs. Deloading Deadlifts, Bent-Over Rows, and DB Shoulder Press

It’s deloading week, and for a variety of reasons I’m going to try to do all the exercises in one week instead of two. We’ll see how that works.

110 x 5
140 x 5
170 x 5

Bent-over rows
60 x 5
75 x 5
90 x 5

Dumbbell shoulder press
20 x 5
30 x 5
35 x 5

More time-consuming, but it seemed to go alright. Then I did five minutes on the elliptical because, like I said: more time-consuming.