Monthly Archives: November 2019

Jim vs. Bent-Over Rows, DB Shoulder Press

Teagle wasn’t as empty as I thought it would be, but it was still very easy to find a rack.

Bent-over rows
90 x 5
95 x 5
100 x 5

Dumbbell shoulder press
35s x 5
35s x 5
35s x 5

Wrapped up with ten minutes on the elliptical.

Jim vs. Deadlifts

The road back to 5-3-1 continues.

170 x 5
175 x 5
180 x 5

Finished with ten minutes on the elliptical.

Jim vs. Burpees


burpees x 30

Finished in 3:02, and it hurt. Still sucking wind. I never wanna do burpees, and that always makes them worse when I finall do.

Jim vs. Back Squats

Back in Teagle, bridging the gap for back squats.

Back squats
160 x 5
170 x 5
175 x 5

Wrapped up with 10 minutes on the elliptical.

Jim vs. Kettlebell Grace

Unsurprisingly, I scaled even this one back.

“Kettlebell Grace”
Kettlebell (35lb) clean and jerk x 30

Finished in around 2:40, which left me feeling a little winded. Lotta room to push on this one.

Jim vs. Bench Press, DB Bench Rows

These next few weeks I’m gonna work on bridging the gap between the deloading week weights and what I’ll need to do when I’m back in 5-3-1 for real. This week and next, my first set will be the heaviest load from the deloading week, the last set will be the lightest load from Week 1 of 5-3-1, and the middle set will be halfway between. My plan is for the following two weeks will do the same thing, but between the first and second set loads from Week 1. Then a rest week, then back into 5-3-1 proper.

All that being said…

Bench press
120 x 5
125 x 5
130 x 5

DB bench rows
50 x 5
50 x 5
50 x 5

There will be a few dumbell exercises where the weight remains constant, but I’m not gonna let that worry me.

Finished with ten minutes on the elliptical.

Jim vs. Kettlebell Snatch & Overhead Squat

Time to ease back in to some ballistic movements

Kettlebell snatch + overhead squat x 2
35lb, each side
35lb, each side
35lb, each side
35lb, each side
35lb, each side

Felt OK. Maybe ready to do this kind of thing a bit faster.

Jim vs. Push-Ups, KB Swings

The return continues with this old favorite.

10, 9, 8… 2, 1 of:
kettlebell swings, 35lbs

Finished in 3:07, which is actually faster than when I did this in July, but far from my fastest time. Felt more winded than I remember, which seems about right.

Jim vs. Bent-Over Rows, DB Shoulder Press

And one more time to Teagle.

Bent-over rows
60 x 5
70 x 5
90 x 5

Dumbbell shoulder press
20s x 5
30s x 5
35s x 5

Finished with nine minutes on the elliptical.

Jim vs. Deadlifts

Still coming back; good to visit with deadlifts again.

110 x 5
140 x 5
170 x 5

Then eight minutes on the elliptical.