Monthly Archives: March 2020

Jim vs. Push-Ups

Doing something like this every week feels like a plan.

Push-ups, 20 x 10, resting 20 minutes between each set

Jim vs. Pull-Ups, Crunches, KB Swings

Just threw this together.

21-15-9 of:
kettlebell swings (35lbs)

Finished in 3:42.

Jim vs. Squats

Gonna try the “greasing the groove” thing with some different exercises.

Air squats, 20 x 15, resting 20 minutes between each set

That felt tougher at the beginning and got easier as the day went on.

Jim vs.KB Floor Press

So I guess one upside to this is that I can finally rest 20 minutes between sets and pretend I’m some kind of Russian weightlifting badass. Damn shame I don’t have barbells here, though.

Kettlebell floor press (right hand/left hand)
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7

The seven-rep thing was accidental, as I largely worked to failure. I feel like maybe I could’ve done more the last set, but on the other hand my shoulder feels pretty tender right now.

Jim vs. KB Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Rack Squat, Shrug

When I did this one in December I said I wanted to add a round of five reps on to the beginning, so I did.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 on each hand of:
kettlebell snatch
kettlebell clean and jerk
kettlebell rack squat
kettlebell shrug

Finished in 5:37, which did bring it more into the time range I was hoping for.

Jim vs. Pull-ups

Haven’t done this one in a very long time, but seeing as I’m housebound I’ll probably be doing more of this kind of thing.

Pull-ups, 20 x 5, resting 20 minutes between each set

Jim vs. KB Shoulder Press

Home strength workouts continue.

Kettlebell shoulder press
35 x 8 (each side)
35 x 8 (each side)
35 x 8 (each side)
35 x 8 (each side)
35 x 8 (each side)

Jim vs. Sandbag Fran

Last year around this time I was glad I didn’t scale back to the 25lb bag; today I was glad I did.

“Sandbag Fran”
Sandbag thrusters (25lb)

Finished in 3:04.

Jim vs. Goblet Squats

Home workouts for a while, what with the global pandemic.

Goblet squats
53 x 10
53 x 10
53 x 10
53 x 10
53 x 10

I didn’t do any kind of cardio cash-out, but my schedule was rushed this morning and honestly it’s gonna take a bit of time to get used to this.

Jim vs. Kettlebell Grace

This was pretty brutal.

“Kettlebell Grace”
Kettlebell (53lb) clean and jerk x 30

I haven’t done this one with this weight in a year, and it showed. I finished in 4:09, almost a minute slower than last time, and it wrecked me. No joy, here.