Monthly Archives: November 2020

Jim vs. Double Kettlebell Floor Press & A Finisher

Starting early, because it’s gonna be a long week.

Double KB floor press
35s x 10
35s x 10
35s x 10
35s x 10
35s x 10

Wrapped up with:

6, 5, 4… 1 of:
Spider-man climbs (both sides)
Jump squats
X-body mountain climbers (both sides)

Finished that in 2:22.

Jim vs. The Garage

Spent the better part of two hours cleaning out the garage.

Jim vs. Pull-Ups

Brought this one back into the rotation.

Pull-ups, 20 x 5, resting 20 minutes between each set

Jim vs. KB Press, KB Rows, Running

A lot of my meetings got cancelled today and I really needed to move some iron; the reasons for both are not unrelated.

Double KB shoulder press
35s x 8
35s x 8
35s x 8
35s x 8
35s x 8

KB bent-over row
53 x 8 (each side)
53 x 8 (each side)
53 x 8 (each side)
53 x 8 (each side)
53 x 8 (each side)

Finished with five minutes on the treadmill.

Jim vs. Goblet Squats, Push-Ups & KB Swings

Today was my first full workout, post-10k swings.

Goblet squats
53 x 10
53 x 10
53 x 10
53 x 10
53 x 10

I didn’t reast 20 minutes between these, but I did give myself five. Then I decided to add a finisher, in what I hope will be a new practice going forward.

10, 9, 8… 2, 1 of:
kettlebell swings, 53lbs

This is an old favorite, but using the heavier bell. Finished in 3:16, about 30 seconds slower than the last time, when I used at 35. I was also doing it as a stand-alone, not as a finisher.