Monthly Archives: July 2019

Jim vs. Push-Ups, KB Swings

I should be getting back into the KB/bodyweight hybrid, but I was not recovered enough from my cold for that this week. (And my legs are still, still really sore from Monday.) S I took out a classic.

10, 9, 8… 2, 1 of:
kettlebell swings, 35lbs

Finished in 3:15, which is very slow, and I felt it a lot more than I usually do. My assessment of where my body was at was accurate.

Jim vs. Back Squats

Was laid up for a solid week with a nasty summer cold. Came back today and did my first back squats since the linear progression ended, this time on the 5-3-1 thing.

Back squats
175 x 5
205 x 5
230 x 6

I worked on getting a couple inches deeper in my squats than an I had been, and the whole thing went well. I was pretty beat when I finished, though, so I didn’t do a cash-out; just stretched and called it a day.

Jim vs. A Light Workout

Continuing the light week at home.

Jim vs. A Light Workout

Due for a light week, and I’m traveling.

Jim vs. Bench Press, DB Bench Rows

Another deloading day.

Bench press
80 x 5
100 x 5
115 x 5

DB bench rows
30 x 5
40 x 5
45 x 5

Finished up with a run.

Jim vs. KB/BW Hybrid, Week 4, Day 1

Ugggh, I felt like crap this morning.

Double  KB clean, squat, and press, 5 x 5

Renegade row & push-up combo, 4 x 6

Superset x 3 of:
Double KB overhead walk x 100ft
Double KB farmers walk x 100ft 

1-arm KB sit ups, 2 x 5/5

Superset x 1 of:
Jump rope x 250
Burpees x 15
KB swings x 10

Finished in 25:39, slightly faster than last week, but there was no way I was doing the second superset at the end. I felt like I might heave after the jump rope, so I was amazed I did the burpees and swings at all.

Jim vs. Yoga

Didn’t really want to get out of bed and go to yoga this morning, but glad I did.

Jim vs. Deadlifts

These deloading weeks always mess with my pride, but I’m getting over that.

110 x 5
135 x 5
160 x 5

Light, but I still felt it. Finished with a run.

Jim vs. KB/BW Hybrid, Week 3, Day 3

Took a few days off, back to finish up week 3.

AMRAP in 25 minutes of:
Handstand push-ups (feet on box) x 3
Recline ring rows x 10
Ring push-ups x 10
Ab wheel roll-outs x 5
KB snatch x 5/5
Double KB  farmers walk x 100 ft

Actually did slightly better than last year: eight full rounds, plus HSPUs, recline ring rows, and five ring push-ups. Only a few reps more, but still.

Jim vs. Deadlifts

It’s 5-3-1 time for deadlifts.

205 x 5
230 x 3
255 x 3

Getting three reps on the last set felt solid. Finishe dup with a run.