Tag Archives: kettlebell deadlift

Jim vs. Shoulder & Suitcase Deadlifts

Bumped up the reps a little again.

Clean a sandbag to one shoulder, do 5 KB suitcase deadlifts with the opposite hand
50lb bag/53lb bell x 8
50lb bag/53lb bell x 8
50lb bag/53lb bell x 8
50lb bag/53lb bell x 8
50lb bag/53lb bell x 8

Jim vs. Shoulder & Suitcase Deadlifts

Bumped up my reps on these, and felt it.

Clean a sandbag to one shoulder, do 5 KB suitcase deadlifts with the opposite hand
50lb bag/53lb bell x 7
50lb bag/53lb bell x 7
50lb bag/53lb bell x 7
50lb bag/53lb bell x 7
50lb bag/53lb bell x 7


Jim vs. Shoulder & Suitcase Deadlifts

I like this variation

Clean a sandbag to one shoulder, do 5 KB suitcase deadlifts with the opposite hand
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5

Jim vs. Shoulder & Suitcase Deadlifts

I named this “Bartons” or something similar, back in the day, because they simulated some of the weird lifts I had to do moving stuff into Barton Hall for orientation events. No events like that this year, but…

Barton: clean a sandbag to one shoulder, do 5 KB suitcase deadlifts with the opposite hand
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5
50lb bag/53lb bell x 5

Jim vs. KB Deadlifts

Tough getting up in the morning this week, but it’s still a home strength day.

Kettlebell deadlifts
70 x 10
70 x 10
70 x 10
70 x 10
70 x 10


Jim vs. KB Deadlifts and Other Shenanigans

I thought I was gonna have to split this in half due to time, but I didn’t.

10 single-leg KB deadlifts
10 goblet squats
10 box step-ups
10 good mornings

1 x 10, 1 x AMAP
I used both 35lb bells for this. Did 10 first round, 15 the second.

AMRAP in 5:00 x 2, rest 2:00
10 kettlebell swings
10 toes-to-bar
50 pogos
Finished six full rounds, plus the swings and five TTBs on the seventh.


3 x 10
Kettlebell row
50 good mornings

Lat smash (used foam roller)
Samson stretch
Forearm stretch