Monthly Archives: April 2020

Jim vs. A Light Workout

I realized I was due for a light week, so I’m taking one.

Jim vs. Dumbbell Snatch

I liked doing these while traveling, so I made a 25lb dumbbell for home.

Dumbbell snatch (25lbs) x 100

Stopwatch got messed up, but I know I finished in under four minutes.

Jim vs. KB Overhead Walk, KB Farmers Walk

It was nice out today! So I did some work outside.

Five rounds, 20 minutes rest between each round
Double kettlebell overhead walk (35lbs) x 100ft
Double kettlebell farmers walk (35lbs) x 100ft

Jim vs. Squats

Whole lotta squats.

Air squats, 20 x 15, resting 20 minutes between each set

Jim vs. Kettlebell Clean Pulls, Hanging Leg Raises

Afternoon workout today.

10, 9, 8, 7… 2, 1 of:
53lb kettlebell clean pulls 
hanging leg raises

Finished in 4:49.

Jim vs. KB Floor Press

Only had time for 15 minutes rests between sets today.

Kettlebell floor press (right hand/left hand)
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7
53 x 7/7

Jim vs. Helen

Did an indoor, untimed version of this one.

Three rounds for time of:
2:00 on the treadmill
Kettlebell swings x 21
Pull-ups x 12

Like I said, untimed, but I know it was around 9 minutes.

Jim vs. Pull-ups

I’m putting this in like a month later, because I know I did this workout at some point this week, but never documented it:

Pull-ups, 20 x 5, resting 20 minutes between each set

Jim vs. Karen

Haven’t done this one in a little while.

For time:
Sandbag thrusters (25lbs) x 100

Finished in 3:51, faster than the last couple but still well behind my PR.

Jim vs. KB/Sandbag Sumo Deadlifts

Figured out a way to do something deadliftish at home: I put my 53lb kettlebell on top of my 50lb sandbag and sumo deadlifted them.

KB/Sandbag Sumo Deadlifts
103 x 5
103 x 5
103 x 5
103 x 5
103 x 5

So that’s something, at least.