Tag Archives: hanging leg raises

Jim vs. KB Snatches, Hanging Leg Raises

Like I said earlier in the week, I’ve been neglecting my conditioning: no workouts on weekends, short runs during the week. Clearly not enough, so I’m trying to change it.

10, 8, 6, 4, 2 of:
kettlebell snatch, 35lbs
hanging leg raises

Finished in 2:54, breathing hard.

Jim vs. Kettlebell Clean Pulls, Hanging Leg Raises

Afternoon workout today.

10, 9, 8, 7… 2, 1 of:
53lb kettlebell clean pulls 
hanging leg raises

Finished in 4:49.

Jim vs. KB/BW Hybrid, Week 1, Day 2

This went surprisingly well, but then I realized I’d done something a bit wrong.

Supersets of:
1-arm KB snatch; 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 each hand
Box jumps; 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 

Supersets of:
Goblet squats; 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 
Double KB clean; 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 

3 sets of:
Hanging leg raises; max reps (14-12-10)

Finished in 17:33, which is quite fast. Then I realized that while the workout write-up says hanging leg raises, it immediately clarifies that to mean knees-to-elbows or toes-to-bar. And I just did hanging leg raises today.

So fast, but inadvertently scaled. Ah, well.

Jim vs. Phase 3, Day 8

Kept the rests the same, but did the Rx’d number of sets.

Sandbag Shouldering 4 x 5/side
Bear Crawl 4 x 10 yards down and back

KB Floor Press 4 x 10 
Recline Row 4 x submax (13-8-7-6)

Sandbag RDL 3 x 15
Hanging Leg raises 3 x 10

Tabata burpees, 8 rounds in 4 minutes

Bad news: finished in 24:19, almost three minutes slower than last week. But then, I did add in two supersets. As far as other comparisons go: I did more reps on the recline rows, and while I still only scored a 4 on the tabata burpees, my rep counts were 6-5-5-5-4-4-4-4, for a total of 37. So, some improvement there.

And I finished the thing, so that’s a win.

Jim vs. Phase 3, Day 5

I scaled back a bit today, because my goal was simple: get through the tabata burpees at the end. I accomplished this goal.

Sandbag Shouldering 3 x 5/side
Bear Crawl 3 x 10 yards down and back

KB Floor Press 3 x 10 
Recline Row 3 x submax (12-7-7)

Sandbag RDL 3 x 15
Hanging Leg raises 3 x 10

Tabata burpees, 8 rounds in 4 minutes

The main scaling I did was cutting a set off of each of the first two supersets, and bumping up my rest time. It worked: I got through the tabata with a score of 4 (rep count 5-5-4-4-4-4-4-4, for a total of 34). Finished the whole thing in 21:39.

Jim vs. Phase 3, Day 2

Every time I start a new phase of this program, I wonder which day’s workout will absolutely wreck me. For Phase 3, it’s Day 2 (at least).

Sandbag Shouldering 4 x 5/side
Bear Crawl 4 x 10 yards down and back

KB Floor Press 4 x 10 
Recline Row 4 x submax (11-7-6-5)

Sandbag RDL 3 x 15
Hanging Leg raises 3 x 10

Tabata burpees, 8 rounds in 4 minutes

I really started feeling it in the third superset, but I didn’t crash and burn until the burpees. Second round, I just hit the floor and couldn’t get back up. That was a little past 21 minutes.

Gotta figure out what I need to do next week to finish this one.

Jim vs. Kettlebell Swings, Grinders

Did a scalded version of a Greyskull workout this morning, just because.

10 rounds for time of:
15 kettlebell swings
5 grinders (pull-up + hanging leg raise)

Finished in 9:33, so glad I scaled. My lower back will not be thanking me.

Jim vs. Kettlebell Clean Pulls, Hanging Leg Raises

This morning I did a home metcon of my own design.

10, 9, 8, 7… 2, 1 of:
53lb kettlebell clean pulls (right hand)
53lb kettlebell clean pulls (left hand)
hanging leg raises

Ooooof. I finished this in 8:58, and was left lying on the ground in my own sweat for a good 5-7 minutes afterwards. This one was rough; I’ve been trying to do 10+ minute metcons on days when that’s the core of my workout, but I was so blasted by this one that I’m betting it’s fine.

If I get a 35lb kettlebell soon, I may try this with actual kb cleans, to see how it feels.

Jim vs. Grinders, Sandbag Waiter’s Walk

Decided my home workouts need two parts, too. So I started out with some grinders: each rep is one chin-up, then one hanging leg raise. I did three sets to max reps, and got 7, 7, and 5. That really hit my biceps, or so I thought at the time.

I didn’t know what “hit” would end up meaning today.

Y’see, I decided the second half of my workout would be a half-mile waiter’s walk: grab a weight, put it up over my head, and walk a mile while keeping it up there. I went with a 25lb sandbag, thinking to ease my way into an exercise I’d never done before.

Nothing easy about it. Finished in 12:25, and to say my form was less than consistent would be an understatement. It got ugly out there, and sometimes I let the sandbag down to the top of my head, or a shoulder. And my whole upper body aches right now.

But I walked the half-mile. And I’ll try to do better next time.

Jim vs. Push-ups, Hanging Leg Raises

One more early morning workout this week.

AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
Push-ups x 5
Hanging leg raises x 5

Did 17 full rounds, plus two push-ups. Definite improvement over last time. I did not expect that. It pleases me.