Jim vs. Hang Power Cleans, Sit-ups & Burpees

My legs still hurt, so I decided to put a bit more focus on my upper-body… at least at first.

Hang power cleans
95 x 3
105 x 3
115 x 3
125 x 3
135 x 3

If that last set wasn’t a 3RM, it was close. That being said, I’m not sure about doing this exercise at higher loads with multiple reps: getting the weight back to a starting position feels rough on the joints in my wrists. I like being able to drop the bar between sets, but I feel like that might be awkward when starting from the hang position. Thoughts?

My metcon was pretty straightforward:

10, 9, 8… 1 of:

I was more worried about the sit-ups than the burpees on this one, which says something. Neither really gave me trouble, though; I finished in 8:22.

One response to “Jim vs. Hang Power Cleans, Sit-ups & Burpees

  1. Pingback: Jim vs. Back Squats, Sit-ups & Burpees | Jim vs.

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