Category Archives: Nasty

Jim vs. Sandbag Clean and Press

I don’t usually work out on Saturday mornings, and it showed.

The Sandbag Clean and Press x 50
Clean your Sandbag from the ground to shoulder level and press it overhead 50 times as fast as possible.

Finished in 4:25, which is ridiculously slow. Very disappointing after yesterday. But hell: I’ve done my workout for the weekend, so there’s that.

Jim vs. Sit-ups, KB Snatches

Knocked this one into Nasty, Brutish, and Short territory.

10, 9, 8… 2, 1 of:
kettlebell snatch

Finished in 4:54, 25 seconds faster than my previous best.

Jim vs. Pull-ups, Hand-to-Hand KB Swings

I almost didn’t work out today, out of laziness and not being sure what to pair with hand-to-hand KB swings. Charlotte suggested pull-ups, and away I went.

Three rounds for time of:
pull-ups x 20
hand-to-hand KB swings x 20

Finished in 4:11. Liked this one.

Jim vs. Karen

Haven’t done this one in over a year.

For time:
Sandbag thrusters (25lbs) x 100

Finished in 3:26, shaving 4 seconds off of my previous PR. Decent way to start the week.

Jim vs. Turkish Get-ups

Not a morning for wanting to do a metcon. Pulled this one out of my summer KB/BW hybrid workouts.

Turkish get-ups, 2/side, as many reps as possible in 5 minutes

Got through 16 reps, which is less than my best but still feels respectable. It’s in keeping with what I was getting this summer, anyway.

Jim vs. Sit-ups & KB Swings

Schedule’s a bit tight today, so I went with a factorial I haven’t done since January.

10, 9, 8… 2, 1 of:
kettlebell swings, 53lbs

Finished in 4:14, around 30 seconds faster than January and I used the 53lb bell instead of the 35. I am really enjoying swings lately.

Jim vs. Push-ups, KB Swings

And old favorite, though one I don’t necessarily take seriously enough.

10, 9, 8… 2, 1 of:
kettlebell swings, 53lbs

Finished in 3:36, which is pretty slow for me. I got to thinking this is a cop-out piece of programming, but if that were true you’d think I’d do it faster.

Jim vs. KB Clean Pulls & Box Jumps

Zero motivation today.

10, 8, 6, 4, 2 of:
kettlebell clean pull (53lb, right hand)
kettlebell clean pull (53lb, left hand)
box jumps

Done in 3:45, almost 30 seconds faster than in December. Still put me on my ass for a while, tho.

Jim vs. Sandbag Fran

Light works are done, time to start up with something new. Since I haven’t touched a sandbag in a while, this seemed like a good place to start.

“Sandbag Fran”
Sandbag thrusters (50lb)

Finished in 2:48, my PR by eighteen seconds. And I was flat on my back afterwards, so mission accomplished, I guess.

Jim vs. Kettlebell Grace

This flattened me.

“Kettlebell Grace”
Kettlebell (53lb) clean and jerk x 30

It took me 3:31 to finish this one, almost a minute slower than last time. I got off to a false start on my first rep, and I was taking breaks between each rep by the end. After, I was flat on my back for a while.

There’s losing a step, and then there’s whatever just happened. Damn.